Urgent medical questions or concerns after hours or weekends

Contact the Emory University Student Health Services' medical call center (AccessNurse)-call 404-727-7551 and press "0."

To seek advice for a non-emergent medical issue or concern, call Student Health Services at 404-727-7551 and ask to speak to the nurse.

To seek advice for an emergent or non-emergent mental health issue or concern, call the Student Counseling Center at 404-727-7450.

For appointments for non-urgent care and follow-up care, if needed:

Student Health Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (Student Counseling Center)

  • Call the appointment line: 404-727-7450

Student Intervention Services

  • Call the Student Intervention Services professional on-call: 404-430-1120.

Call 911 from an on-campus or off campus phone. Please note that Emory University Student Health Services is not an emergency facility.

Emory University Hospital Emergency Room is located on campus at 1364 Clifton Road, 404-712-7100.

Use the EmorySafe app and choose the icon for Emergency Contacts.

Physical injury, dangerous alcohol or drug intoxication, or other emergency medical concern

If you are on-campus, call the Emory EMS at 404-727-6111 or 911 from an on-campus phone.
If you are off-campus, call 911. 

Mental health

For an after hours or weekend mental health emergency, call 404-727-6111 and our Emory Police dispatcher will assist you. If you are off-campus, call 911.

Urgent medical questions or concerns after hours or weekends

As an Emory University student, you have access to after-hours care for urgent symptoms or questions.  Call Student Health Services at 404-727-7551 and press “0” for the medical advice line. If you are having chest pain, serious difficulty breathing, or any another type of medical emergency, call 911 or 404-727-6111 on campus.

After Hours Psychiatry

  • Students who are experiencing a mental health crisis call the CAPS After Hours Line at 404-727-7450 and press 1.

  • If you are an established patient at Student Health Services-Psychiatry and you are needing urgent assistance with medications, call the CAPS After Hours Line at 404-727-7450 and press 1, and you will be connected to the attending psychiatrist on call.

  • For requests as an established patient for non-urgent medication refills, please send a secure message through Student Patient Portal and the message will be attended to the next business day.

  • If you are experiencing a life threatening situation please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Student Intervention Services (SIS)

Call 404-430-1120 to reach the on-call Student Intervention Services professional for assistance after hours with a crisis.

  • For 24/7 private support and advocacy, call the Respect Hotline at 404-727-1514 to speak to an advocate.

  • To reach the Office of Respect, which serves any student impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, and/or stalking call 404-727-1514.  You can also be connected to Respect Staff, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) and Student Intervention Services (SIS) through this line.

  • For more information, visit the Office of Respect.

  • For more information, visit the Title IX Office FAQ page.  The Title IX Coordinator for Students can be reached at 404-727-6168.
  • The Emory Helpline is a confidential, peer support telephone line that serves the Emory community, providing help for students with non-urgent mental health needs. It is accessed by calling 404.727.4357 (HELP) and is typically open nightly during the fall and spring semesters. The Helpline is closed during the summer and for all major student holidays. For more information about the Helpline including current hours of operation, visit the Hub or their instagram account (@emory_helpline).

  • If you live on campus, reach out to your residence life staff person (SA, RA, RHD, House Director).
  • If an event occurs off-campus, first get help by calling 911. For additional assistance from trained staff at Emory, also call 404-727-6111 and the Emory Police dispatcher will notify the Campus Life Professional on-call about your situation. They may be able to assist you with additional services such as temporary housing, medical attention, legal resources, academic support, etc.

  • To reach the on-call Student Intervention Services professional (SIS), call 404-430-1120.

Student Health Services

Emory University Student Health Services (EUSHS) provides outpatient care for enrolled Emory students with a valid Emory ID card. International student's spouses, Domestic Partners and unmarried children over 18 years of age are also eligible for primary medical care if they are currently enrolled in the Emory/Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan.

Phone Number


Contact Us


1525 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Hours and Location/Directions

Patient Portal

Schedule appointments, request prescription refills, send secure emails and more.
