Dear Incoming Emory New or Transfer Student:

Welcome to Emory! We hope that your time here will be healthy, happy and always intellectually stimulating. Health information, required health history and immunization forms are available online via the Student Patient Portal.  Please complete all the forms and send them back to us before your classes at Emory begin (unless your program requires an earlier submission date). For all new and transfer students, your entrance health history and your consent for treatment will be completed through the above patient portal.

In order to complete your pre-matriculation Student Health forms, please complete the following steps outlined below. Please note: the forms are in PDF format and Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.

We welcome you into our Emory family!

Yours very truly,

Sharon Rabinovitz, MD
Executive Director
Emory University Student Health Services
Associate Professor, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine

Student To-Do's

For complete information on immunization forms and submitting them to the Student Patient Portal, click here.

All new and continuing Emory University students are required to have health insurance. Under this requirement, students must either use the Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan (EUSHIP) or waive EUSHIP and provide documentation of enrollment in a qualifying United States-domiciled plan.

Students are automatically enrolled in EUSHIP each year. If a student wishes to waive EUSHIP, they must complete the annual waiver process during the insurance waiver period.

If a student has not waived out of the Emory Student Health Insurance Plan by the deadline, they will be automatically enrolled in the annual EUSHIP plan for the academic year and billed by Emory Student Accounts and Billing (via OPUS).

For information about the Student Health Insurance Requirement, including deadline dates for your starting semester, insurance plan billing and Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan annual premiums, click here.


Your Privacy Form will be completed via the Student Patient Portal at

Sign in with your standard Emory (OPUS) user ID and password. (Please be aware that your Emory password should be kept confidential. If you share it, others will potentially have access to your personal health information). The FERPA Privacy Policy Form can be found under “Forms” on the left side bar.

You are able to add anyone who you wish to have access to your medical record via this form. You can edit this form at any time. 

Student Health records, including Student Health psychiatry and counseling records, are protected Treatment Records under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Under FERPA, “Treatment Records” are records that are made or maintained by a health care professional. These records are used only for your medical or psychological treatment and are available only to treatment providers. Details regarding protection of your healthcare records are detailed in the “Notice Regarding Confidentiality of Health Records under the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)” found on Your Patient Portal. You must read and electronically sign this notice before you can access healthcare services at EUSHS.

For additional information about privacy, FERPA and Emory Student Health Services, please visit


To complete your Entrance Health History and Consent for Treatment Forms online go to the Student Patient Portal. You will sign in with your standard Emory (OPUS) user ID and password. Please be aware that your Emory password should be kept confidential. If you share it, others will potentially have access to your personal health information. Your required Entrance Medical History and Treatment Agreement are located under "Forms".

We must receive these forms prior to the start of your classes!

Required Forms

  1. The Immunization Verification documents (See Step 1.)
  2. The completed Physical Exam Form (Note: this exam form is only required by the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing programs.)
  3. Consent for Treatment
  4. Telehealth Consent (if you plan on accessing our telehealth services) 
  5. Mental Health Consent for Treatment (if you plan on receiving mental health services)
  6. If you are under 18, please fill out a Consent for Treatment Form which is signed by your guardian and/or parent and upload it into your scanned documents prior to coming to school. The form can be found here, choose the Consent for Treatment Paper Version. 


Document upload is the preferred method for submitting documents to Student Health. Upload your forms directly on the Student Patient Portal. We prefer scanned .pdf documents.

If you are unable to upload your documents, we will accept submissions by email, US mail, or fax.

  • Email your scanned documents from your EMORY.EDU email address to:

  • Send by US mail, send copies of your immunization documents to:

    • Emory University Student Health Services
      ATTN: Immunization Nurse
      1525 Clifton Road NE
      Atlanta, GA 30322

  • Fax copies of your documents to 404-727-5349

Once again: We must receive these forms by July 1 (undergraduate) or August 1 (graduate/professional) for compliance. Noncompliance may result in you being unable to register for classes.


If you are a new or transfer student on ADHD/ADD medications, please contact your current physician/psychiatrist to work out a plan for ongoing care and medication once you arrive on campus. Due to the nature of the medications used for this disorder, many physicians/ psychiatrists will not prescribe for students away from home, so these students will need to be seen by an Emory area/local physician/psychiatrist.

Insurance Issues: 

New students who are insured by the Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan (EUSHIP) are required by the policy to obtain a referral from Emory University Student Health Services (SHS) or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) for psychiatric and psychological care outside SHS or CAPS. Without a referral, students cannot receive coverage for this specialist care. To obtain a referral to have ADHD/ADD testing or to see an outside psychologist or psychiatrist:

  1. Emory (Atlanta Campus): Contact the Emory Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 404-727-7450. The referral will be generated internally and will be submitted to the Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan (EUSHIP) electronically.
  2. Oxford College: Contact the Oxford Counseling and Career Services at 770-784-8394.


Off Campus Care for ADD/ADHD:

We have attached a list of psychiatrists (MDs) and clinics in the Emory and Atlanta area that will see and treat Emory students with ADD/ADHD. View the current psychiatry treatment list.

We recommend that you check with your insurance company to see if there are preferred psychiatric providers covered by your plan in the Atlanta area. Please keep in mind that many area psychiatrists have a 1-3 month waiting period for a first appointment. For off-campus care, students who are insured by EUSHIP are also required by the policy to obtain a referral from Emory University Student Health Services (SHS) for psychiatric and psychological care outside SHS and/or CAPS. Without a referral, students cannot receive coverage for this specialist care. To obtain a referral to have ADHD/ADD testing or to see an outside psychologist or psychiatrist, please contact the Counseling Center at 404-727-7450. The referral will be generated internally and will be submitted to EUSHIP electronically. 

If you are unsure of a diagnosis of ADHD/ADD you may want to proceed with formal diagnostic testing to confirm the diagnosis. Formal testing is performed by a PhD psychologist and may be needed to establish the diagnosis. To access a list of psychologists (PhDs) in that do formal testing, click on this psychology testing link. Please keep in mind that these (PhD) providers cannot prescribe medication for ADHD/ADD (see the previous list of psychiatrists (MD) for prescribing and other medication issues). As a rule, diagnostic testing is mandatory for any accommodations desired with Office of Accessibility Services or for accommodations on major examinations such as the LSAT, GRE, MCAT, etc. If you are unsure whether/with whom to start an evaluation, we would recommend starting with the psychiatrist (MD), who can then help you decide if formal testing is necessary.

Before You Arrive

Emory University has taken steps to protect students as they transition to living or studying on campus. We recommend building out a basic first aid kit. Suggested items for the kit below.  

Essential Respiratory Illness Monitoring & Protection Items

  • Digital Thermometer
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Tylenol or Ibuprofen

 Supplies Recommended

  • Band-aids in assorted sizes
  • Bandage supplies: Gauze pads (4 x 4s), Gauze – 3-inch roll, Paper tape
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • ACE bandage for sprains (3-inch for ankle/wrist, 4-inch for knee)
  • Ice bag for sprains, bee/wasp stings (zip lock bags work very well)
  • Sunscreen

Medication Suggestions

  • Pain reliever: ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • Antiseptic skin cleanser: (hydrogen peroxide or Betadine)
  • Antibiotic cream or ointment (Polysporin, Neosporin)
  • Antihistamine for itching, stings, allergies (Benadryl, Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin)
  • Hydrocortisone cream for skin rashes, itching (Cortaid)
  • Antacid tablets or liquid for upset stomach (Tums, Mylanta)
  • Decongestant
  • Cough expectorant (plain Robitussin, plain Mucinex) AVOID NYQUIL
  • Cough expectorant with suppressant (Robitussin DM, Mucinex DM) AVOID NYQUIL

Choose an easy to open case to store everything in and make sure to label it.

As a community, we are stronger if we approach this pandemic together. Emory does not condone social stigmatization in any capacity. We will be here if you are sick for any reason; you can do your part by following guidelines, being respectful of space, and staying emotionally supportive of friends, family and your Emory colleagues.

We recommend reviewing your current medical and healthcare related needs with your provider, parent or guardian. For instance, are you on medications for chronic conditions? Do you see a specialist for care? Make sure you are familiar with your own health conditions and needs so you can advocate for yourself!

Your Care Plan Details

  • Names of any current health related conditions
  • Challenges or symptoms that occur as a result of these conditions
  • How these symptoms impact you
  • The names, dosages, and frequency of medications or therapies that treat these conditions (and are there any common side effects that result from these medications)
  • Understand what treatments have been effective (or not) for you
  • Names and contact for your current providers
  • The insurance information you will be bringing or your Emory University Student Health Insurance information
  • For students being treated for ADD or ADHD, please read our required policies and procedures for receiving your medications. The information can be found here.

If you are being treated for a chronic condition, we recommend navigating several doctors’ appointments and drug store medication purchases on your own before leaving home. If you are on routine medications, there are a lot of tools to help you stay on track: medication reminder apps, phone alarms and calendars, and weekly or monthly pill boxes to know if you took your medications. If you struggle to be consistent, don’t give up! Keep practicing until you feel confident.

An Individualized Education plan (IEP) or 504 Plan that you had for high school doesn’t automatically transfer to universities or colleges. To seek out accommodations based on disabilities, connect with the Emory Department of Accessibility Services (DAS). They are committed to assisting qualified students with obtaining services and they ensure that all matters of equal access and reasonable accommodations are properly addressed. It will be helpful to have a copy of your IEP or 504 plan when you speak with Emory DAS. You can learn more about how transitioning accommodations from High School to Emory University here. 

If you have been diagnosed with any condition that could entitle you to accommodations on campus, please have your medical certification ready and contact Accessibility Services.

You have a variety of options in case an emergency should arise while you are at Emory. We have support available 24/7 but the contact can change based on the time and issue. If you are in immediate danger, are having a mental health emergency or witnessing one, or have any life-threatening issues, please call 911 or Emory Police Department at 404-727-6111 right away.

For information on care after hours, during normal business hours, etc. review our Emergency Services Overview page.

Other Campus Resources:

  • The Office of Respect serves any student impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, and/or stalking. For 24/7 confidential support and advocacy, call the Respect Hotline at 404-727-1514 to speak to an advocate. 
  • Student Case Management and Intervention Services (SCMIS) assists students who are facing challenges surrounding basic needs (e.g. housing or food insecurity, financial hardship, etc.) and guides students to access holistic wellbeing and academic resources. Complete a Student of Concern Referral Form here
  • Student Intervention Services connects students who are experiencing acute basic needs emergencies in the moment before connecting them with Case Management for longer-term solutions. Call 404-430-1120. The line is monitored 24/7/365.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services provides urgent mental health support. Students can drop in Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. for consults, or call 404-727-7450 at any time for phone-based support.


Non-Emory Resources:

National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (in U.S.)
  • 9-8-8
  • En Español: 1-888-628-9454
National Crisis Text Line
  • Text HOME to 741-741
  • Text STEVE to 741-741 for a BIPOC responder
  • Text AYUDA to 741-741 for a Spanish-speaking responder
Georgia Crisis Access Line
(in state of GA)
  • 1-800-715-4225
    (also available via text & chat via the MyGCAL Mobile Application)
National Grad Crisis Line 
(for U.S. graduate students)
  • 1-877-472-3457
The Trevor Project
(for LGBTQ Youth)
  • 1-866-488-7386
  • Text START to 678-678
Trans Lifeline
(for Trans individuals)
  • 1-877-565-8860
Veterans Crisis Line
(for veterans and their loved ones)
  • 9-8-8 (*press 1)
  • Text 838-255


Emory tests its emergency notification systems monthly. There are outdoor sirens, email and text alerts and multiple social media posting that occur monthly on the first Wednesday at noon. Follow the Critical Event Preparedness and Response Team on X (formerly Twitter) @Emory_CEPAR or call them at 404-712-1300 for questions or concerns. Download the Emory Safe app to stay connected to all emergency notifications and resources on campus.

You have options when it comes to healthcare while at Emory. Student Health Services offers comprehensive medical services at our on-campus clinic and their own affordable health insurance plan, but you can always choose to maintain your current insurance (as long as it meets standard requirements) and/or your local providers. The insurance waiver needs to be submitted annually if you choose to use your own insurance. Learn more about the Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan here.



  1. Emory Student Health Services

The EUSHS Clinic is located on Clifton campus and offers a wide spectrum of comprehensive, effective healthcare. You can find our entire team in this location which makes scheduling, receiving care, and confirming benefits easy and direct. The healthcare that you can receive through Emory Student Health Services includes primary care; physical examinations; confidential HIV testing; women’s health and contraception services; colposcopy and IUD placements; mental health counseling and referral; psychiatric care; preventive health; substance abuse counseling and referrals; allergy injections and immunizations; on-site specialty clinic in dermatology and referrals to off-site specialists; health education and wellness programming and individual consultation; international travel clinic and immunizations; nutrition counseling; and laboratory testing. We can serve as your annual check up or provide you with complex care all from the convenience of campus.

Students can utilize the health clinic with or without the Emory sponsored insurance plan (although they must have comparable coverage).

Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan (EUSHIP)

We have our own insurance plan, too. Many students find our pricing coverage equitable or better than many other provides or insurance companies. You can read more about our insurance plan here as well as enrollment processes. 

Tuition Insurance

The unexpected can occur which can lead to a student withdrawing from class. Emory University does offer tuition insurance as piece of mind.

  1. Continue with Your Provider from Home

You may continue to depend on your current care team to help manage your treatments and health. Here are some things to consider:

  • Do they offer telehealth or virtual visits?
  • Does the provider feel comfortable providing care or management from a distance?
  • Are your needs such that you can see your provider only during school breaks?
  • For medication or ongoing therapies, how will you coordinate those?


  1. Find a Local Provider

You can also find an Atlanta based provider who is not part of Emory University Student Health Services. For local mental health providers see the CAPS Thriving campus referral network.  Here are some things to consider:

  • Will you be able to meet with the provider along with your parents or guardians prior to your move?
  • Do they accept your (or the Emory) insurance plan?
  • What are their costs for services or fees?

If you choose to establish care with Emory Student Health or an off-campus provider, it is important to have your treatment plans and records sent to the new team from your home provider. This is important to avoid any interruptions to your care or medication management.

If accommodations are needed, you will need to connect with the Department of Accessibility Services (DAS) regardless of where you seek primary or ongoing care. 

Successfully Managing your Transition is Based on Coordination

  1. Ensure that you know who and where you will be receiving care from. If you have a team or are transitioning part of your care, connect the providers to each other and make sure there is an identified lead clinician.
  2. Understand your current care, your needs and all the details of your medications or therapies.
  3. Be prepared to share your treatment records with your new providers.
  4. Connect with the Department of Accessibility Services early, if needed.
  5. Understand how medical insurance coverage works and who to connect with if you have questions. For Emory University Health Insurance questions, you can reach us directly here 404-727-7551.

Student Health Services

Emory University Student Health Services (EUSHS) provides outpatient care for enrolled Emory students with a valid Emory ID card. International student's spouses, Domestic Partners and unmarried children over 18 years of age are also eligible for primary medical care if they are currently enrolled in the Emory/Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan.

Phone Number


Contact Us


1525 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Hours and Location/Directions

Patient Portal

Schedule appointments, request prescription refills, send secure emails and more.
