July 21, 2022

On Wednesday, July 20, 2022 a federal appeals court reversed the injunction on Georgia HB 481, allowing the law to go into effect immediately. The law bans abortion in most cases after the detection of fetal cardiac activity, which is typically about six weeks into a pregnancy. This marks a change from previous law, and we understand students and parents may have questions about how this will impact your Emory health insurance and benefits, and about what reproductive health services we offer students.

Emory provides holistic sexual and reproductive health care for students through different services, including Student Health Services (SHS), Emory Healthcare, and the Office of Health Promotion (OHP). Sexual health support and medical care is offered through one-on-one consultations with our health care practitioners who provide inclusive, evidence-based and trauma-informed care.

Emory Healthcare remains steadfast in its commitment to providing excellent and equitable healthcare to patients and supporting providers as they perform these services. As part of this work, Emory Healthcare will perform abortions in compliance with state and federal law.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students may receive contraceptive counseling from providers in SHS who are versed in the most up-to-date options. They provide information to assist students in finding the most appropriate method to meet their individual needs. 

For students on the Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan (EUSHIP), prescription birth control methods and intrauterine device insertions are available through SHS at no cost. OHP also provides free external and internal condoms. Sexually transmitted infection testing is also offered at no cost to students on EUSHIP and is available for all other students through their own insurance or at a self-pay cost. 

For additional information:

Students should contact EUSHIP directly to learn what support resources are available when a medical procedure is not available locally.

Under current deductible and co-insurance structures for all medical services for EUSHIP patients during academic year 2022-23, out-of-state preferred providers are covered at 80 percent and out-of-state non-preferred providers at 60 percent. 

Students should contact Aetna Student Health at 877-261-8403 for claims and benefits information.

Emory University provides students with holistic sexual health support that allows them to make their own decisions when it comes to family planning, including preventing unplanned pregnancy. Student Health Services will continue to provide emergency contraception.
 Any student seeking more information is encouraged to log onto the Student Patient Portal to make an appointment with a provider or to send a private message to an already established SHS healthcare provider. If a student finds they have an urgent need which is time sensitive, please call 404-727-7551 and ask to speak with the triage nurse.

Student Health Services

Emory University Student Health Services (EUSHS) provides outpatient care for enrolled Emory students with a valid Emory ID card. International student's spouses, Domestic Partners and unmarried children over 18 years of age are also eligible for primary medical care if they are currently enrolled in the Emory/Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan.

Phone Number


Contact Us


1525 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Hours and Location/Directions

Patient Portal

Schedule appointments, request prescription refills, send secure emails and more.
