All guidelines and protocols are based on the latest guidance from our Emory Healthcare professionals, the Georgia Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other local, state, and federal public health officials. Emory University will follow these protocols for its students who test positive for the COVID-19 virus. Isolation protocols remain in place at this time.

Oxford Isolation Guide, please visit Oxford Forward

Most residential students who test positive for COVID-19 will Isolate in Place within their residence halls. This means they will stay in their assigned housing for the duration of isolation.

Isolation Housing on campus may be available for students who are immunocompromised or at high risk for complications of COVID-19 due to a medical condition. These students should contact the Student Health clinical team by calling the main office number 404-727-7551 and asking for the Triage Nurse.

  • Respond to your daily Student Health Services check-in text message survey and request a call
  • During the day, if you have urgent questions, call the SHS front desk at 404-727-7551 and ask to speak with the triage nurse.
  • If you have urgent symptoms or questions after hours, or over the weekend, call Student Health Services at 404-727-7551 and press “9” for the medical call center.
  • For those on the Oxford campus, call Student Health Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 770-784-8376. Oxford Student Health will arrange a telehealth or in person office visit.

Emory has adopted the definitions for these terms and processes as determined by the CDC:

Isolation refers to the separation of people with a positive COVID-19 test or a diagnosis of presumed positive. Persons under investigation (PUI) who have pending test results, are also isolated.

  • Calculation: Day 0, isolation begins the first day of symptoms or, if asymptomatic, the day of the positive test.
  • Exit day: Count out 5 days and exit on day 6 if the student meets the criteria for release on day 5. Isolation exit day will vary based on an individual’s specific situation and can last up to 10 days. Most students will be eligible to end isolation on day 5 (and exit on day 6) if their symptoms are significantly improved.

Quarantine refers to the separation and restriction of the movement of people who have been exposed to a person who received a positive COVID-19 test or has been diagnosed as a presumed positive case. It is no longer necessary to quarantine when you have been exposed to COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status. It is recommended, though not required, that you follow the following guidance.

  • Wear a mask as soon as you find out you were exposed. First day of exposure is day 0. Wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days.
  • Wear a mask when indoors and around people in your home and limit eating together unless outside. 
  • Monitor for symptoms and if symptoms develop, take a test and isolate.  
  • Keep distance from those who are at high risk for COVID-19 infection and complications related.   
  • Test on day 5 (and even before if the exposure has been over several days). This can be an antigen home test or a PCR test from the kiosk.

Individuals who are up-to-date with vaccines are vaccinated with the primary series and the booster. 

Individuals who not up-to-date on vaccinations are unvaccinated, either with the primary series or vaccinated with the primary series but have not received a booster even though they are eligible. (You are eligible for a booster if 5 months has passed since your second dose of Pfizer or Moderna, or 2 months since a J & J vaccine.) 

For more information about being up-to-date, visit the CDC website.


SHS utilizes a point-of-care PCR test which is highly sensitive and specific. If a student is symptomatic, no further testing is required regardless of the result.

Criteria for isolation-in-place for a COVID positive individual:

  • Asymptomatic

  • Mild symptoms such as:

    • Low grade fever <101
    • Nasal congestion/runny nose
    • Sore throat
    • Mild cough that does not interrupt sleep or discussion
  • No high-risk health conditions

  • Must be able to wear a KN95 mask or a form-fitting surgical type mask at all times in the residence hall

  • Must be able to access food at a central location

  • As decided by a Student Health Services provider based on their clinical assessment

  • All individuals with moderate to severe symptoms, which may include:
    • Fever > 101 (chills, rigors, sweats)
    • Significant cough which interrupts sleep and discussion
    • High-risk medical conditions such as diabetes, immunomodulating medications, etc.
  • As decided by a Student Health Services provider based on their clinical assessment

We recommend you bring the following "Go Bag" items with you if you are instructed to move into isolation housing:

  • Chronic medications for two weeks

  • Computer, cell phone, headphones and tech items (especially chargers)

  • Academic items and books

  • Clothes/underwear (enough for a week as laundry is available)

  • Personal items/Toiletries: toothpaste, toothbrush, hair products, feminine products, deodorant, glasses/contacts, retainer, skin medications

  • Pillow and other comfort items

If you are at high risk for infection or complications of COVID, contact Student Health by phone and ask to speak to the Triage Nurse (8:30 – 4:30, Mon – Fri).
Student privacy is of the utmost importance. The teams involved in coordinating care will utilize applications to ensure privacy and confidentiality. Medical records will remain confidential treatment documents under FERPA and separate from other logistic or support records.


Students in isolation will receive a daily symptom survey via text message. Students should fill out the survey every day especially if they want aclinical team member to call them on that day.

If their symptoms worsen while in isolation, students should request a call via the survey, or web-book an urgent care visit at Student Health.

If urgent, call Student Health Services at 404-727-7551, press "9" and ask to speak with the triage nurse during normal clinical hours.

Answer the daily text survey and request a call. If you have an urgent concern, call Student Health Services at 404-727-7551 and press “9” to speak to the triage nurse. This same number will connect you to the medical call center after hours and on weekends.

If you need assistance with your professors during your time in isolation, contact them directly. If you need support, reach out to your academic advisor or your COVID liaison. 

When you enter isolation, we will send a notification that you are in isolation to your school academic liaison but you will have to outreach to them in order to receive assistance. 

  • Crisis Consultations with a CAPS clinician: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. To access, call 404-727-7450 and ask to speak with an on-call provider.
  • Drop-In Workshops and Skills Groups: Login at
  • Visit the CAPS website for further updates and resources.

TimelyCareEmory University has partnered with TimelyCare to offer free, 24/7 virtual telehealth counseling and TalkNow visits for all our students. You have a choice to speak with a psychologist or therapist about any concerns or issues you may be experiencing. As always, Student Health Services is available to manage your medical concerns. To set up an account or access care, login at

Campus Life and student organizations host many online programs throughout the semester to allow students an opportunity to engage with the community. If you are interested in participating in any such program please visit The Hub.

The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life is available to offer support, guidance, and tools to students in order to make meaning out of this difficult experience.

Isolation in Place:

Upon entry into isolation you will receive a link to a meal form where you can state your preferences i.e. vegetarian, kosher, etc. You must complete this form immediately in order for staff to be able to accommodate any dietary needs or restrictions.

Meals will be available for grab-and-go in designated locations across campus, which include: Eagle Parking Deck (between Raoul and Eagle Halls) and Clairmont Campus Clocktower Commons (in Building B).

You may also utilize a food delivery service (such as Instacart or Uber Eats), getting take-out delivered, or calling a friend to drop off food at your residence hall.

For students who are unable to access food based on your situation, please speak to your isolation coordinator to connect you with the appropriate resources.


Campus Isolation Housing:

Upon entry into isolation, students will receive an email that includes a meal form link. You must complete this form immediately in order for staff to be able to accommodate any dietary needs or restrictions.

Meals will be dropped off during the following times:

Meal pick up times are 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (lunch) and 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (dinner). Breakfast for the following day should be picked up with dinner.


Off Campus:

If you live alone off campus, look for contactless delivery options for groceries or meals (e.g. Instacart, Doordash, etc.). Do not meet delivery drivers to receive your deliveries; instead, instruct them to leave your delivery outside your home to be picked up after the delivery driver has left or is greater than 6 feet away. Many grocery stores and restaurants are offering this service.

For students who are unable to access food needed, please speak to your isolation coordinator to connect you with the appropriate resources. 

You should NOT go out to pick up food or groceries. A family member or friend can drop off items but should not come inside the home nor should the student go out to meet them.

For students who share housing, ask your housemates to help deliver meals or food to outside your room. Avoid being in the same living spaces as your housemates as much as possible.

Many pharmacies will deliver your prescriptions and other supplies to your home. Here are links to several pharmacies that offer this service:

If you have been exposed and have NO symptoms, you do not need to isolate. However, you must wear a well-fitted mask at all times for 10 days after you were exposed. We highly recommend students to test via home antigen tests or kiosk testing stations on campus once you learn your roommate has tested positive. You will need to test on day 5 after initial contact or if you develop symptoms. You may leave your room and attend class.

You MUST wear a well-fitted mask at all times except when you are in the shower, brushing your teeth, or eating. This includes when you are sleeping, as tolerated. Use hand sanitizer regularly entering and exiting your room. Wipe down high-touch areas in your room as often as possible.

Wear a well-fitted mask at all times except when you are in the shower, brushing your teeth, or eating. Use hand sanitizer often and wipe down high-touch areas in your room as often as possible.

Isolation in Place:

Students in isolation are only allowed to go outside to pick up meals or deliveries at the entrance of their residence halls. You should wear a well-fitted mask at all times.

Campus Isolation Housing:

A scheduled recreation time may be available for students in isolation depending on their level of symptoms at different time blocks per day depending on weather, and staff availability. Students with conflicts during this time should contact the Isolation/Quarantine (I/Q) Coordinator to make other arrangements. Otherwise, students in isolation must remain in their room for the duration of their stay in isolation housing, except for scheduled appointments at SHS or other arrangements made with the I/Q Coordinator.

Students must wear a face mask, observe physical distancing, and remain in the recreation area during this time. Students who violate recreation guidelines may forfeit the opportunity to take part in daily recreation.

Off Campus:

Students in isolation should not risk others’ exposure by leaving their residence. Limit contact with others as much as possible, wear a form-fitting face mask, and disinfect high touch surfaces as often as possible.

We've checked with our public health experts to ensure an optimal approach to the academic, emotional, and overall health care of our students in isolation.

We’ve learned much since the start of this pandemic. For example, although placing two students together in each isolation unit may present new challenges, the university believes it will also help mitigate the loneliness and isolation that some students may otherwise experience. Of course, COVID positive students are placed with other COVID positive students.

Please complete a Student of Concern referral form and our Case Management team will reach out.


Per current CDC isolation guidelines, a student may be released from isolation after at least 5 days (day 0 being the first day of symptoms or positive test) if they are asymptomatic, or their symptoms have significantly improved and are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. Students are released the day after they are cleared from isolation through the automated survey. No testing is required to be released from isolation, unless you are a health sciences student. If you meet the criteria, indicate on the survey and you will receive an email with instructions and your school will be notified. 

If you do not meet criteria on day 5, you will stay until day 7 and receive daily check-in texts.  

Different criteria apply for Emory Healthcare employees, health sciences students, and may vary based on the level of illness or vaccination status.

Some students may be required to isolate for 10 days depending on their individual circumstance.

According to Emory Healthcare guidelines, health sciences students may test on day 5 with an antigen test (at-home test is acceptable). If the test result is negative and the student has no symptoms, they may return to clinical work on day 6 following the required masking protocols.

If the antigen test is positive, the student must continue isolation through day 7 and will be released on day 8. Students are released from isolation if they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications and their symptoms have significantly improved. Clinical students must always put the health and safety of their patients first and notify their program directors.

Please refer to the "What do I do if..." page on Emory Forward.


Staying inside to quarantine is not required at this time, regardless of vaccination status. If you have been exposed (see CDC definition), it is important to consider the following factors in keeping our community safe.

  1. Wear a mask as soon as you find out you were exposed. Last exposure is day 0. Wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days. 
  2. Wear a mask when indoors and around people in your home.  
  3. Monitor for symptoms and if symptoms develop, take a test and isolate.  
  4. Keep distance from those who are at high risk for COVID-19 infection and complications related.
  5. Test on day 5. This can be an antigen home test or a saliva test on campus.


Student Health Services

Emory University Student Health Services (EUSHS) provides outpatient care for enrolled Emory students with a valid Emory ID card. International student's spouses, Domestic Partners and unmarried children over 18 years of age are also eligible for primary medical care if they are currently enrolled in the Emory/Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan.

Phone Number


Contact Us


1525 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30322

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